For those of you who know how much I love my sleep, the fact that it is 2:00 in the morning and I just came in from exploring Old Town Dubrovnik after traveling over 12 hours today speaks volumes about how enchanting this city is. I have yet to see Dubrovnik by day light, but a late night stroll through Old Town was magical. The cobblestone sidewalks glow in the lamp light and the atmosphere is buzzing with local culture and a variety of people. I think I could get lost in this city forever. It is like being trapped inside of a fairy tale.
Large limestone cliffs jut out into the beautiful dark blue waters of the Adriatic. The Croatian people are unbelievably friendly and welcoming. When our plane landed and the captain of the plane announced that we have arrived in Dubrovnik, Croatia, my eyes filled up with tears and my heart was overflowing with joy. I am in Croatia. This is not a dream. This is my life! How amazing it is!